JOHN’S EDU MARKET stands out for its unique share of resources and information. Teachers can use these resources to support students as they include well-formulated lesson plans, carefully designed support material, and well-planned worksheets. This platform aims at bringing "Tomorrow's lessons to today's classroom, and today's lessons to a classroom now". The Teacher-Author of this platform is an English graduate, associated with Gems Education as a Subject Leader of English.
JOHN’S EDU MARKET stands out for its unique share of resources and information. Teachers can use these resources to support students as they include well-formulated lesson plans, carefully designed support material, and well-planned worksheets. This platform aims at bringing "Tomorrow's lessons to today's classroom, and today's lessons to a classroom now". The Teacher-Author of this platform is an English graduate, associated with Gems Education as a Subject Leader of English.
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Vocabulary – Compound Words. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT and Worksheets with Answers.
Objectives of this lesson are:
To recall the terms associated with compound words.
To classify the compound words based on their form, class and pattern.
To apply form, class and pattern to recognise compound words.
To analyse the use of compound words.
To evaluate the use of compound words.
To create new patterns of compound words.
After attempting these New Bloom’s Taxonomy-based activities students will be able to:
Match the meaning with the terms associated with compound words.
Classify the compound words as closed, open and hyphenated.
Identify compound words as nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Form compound words to use them as nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Use error identification to find the correct use of compound words.
Use compound words to name nouns, describe actions and modify nouns.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 11 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 25 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 26 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 27 Slides
Google Slides: 27 Slides
Boom Cards: 69 Digital Task Cards
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Adjective Order – Number, Opinion, Size, Age, Shape, Colour, Origin, Material, Purpose. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets with Answers and Scaffolding Notes.
To recognise and recall categories of adjectives.
To describe and explain rules for placing adjectives in order.
To use rules of placing adjectives in order.
To draw links between attributes of adjectives.
To justify the right use of adjectives in order.
To produce descriptions placing adjectives in order.
After attempting these New Bloom’s Taxonomy-based Boom Cards students will be able to:
List the attributes (number, opinion, size, age, shape, colour, origin, material, purpose) of adjectives.
Identify rules followed for placing adjectives in order to describe a noun.
Place adjectives in NOSASCOMP order to modify nouns.
Arrange the adjectives in a particular order to emphasise their position and function.
Identify the errors to ensure the correct order of adjectives.
Use adjectives in NOSASCOMP order to describe nouns.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 9 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 18 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 20 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 21 Slides
Google Slides: 21 Slides
Boom Cards: 49 Digital Task Cards
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Definite and Indefinite Articles – ‘A’, ‘An’ and ‘The’. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
To recognise and recall types of articles.
To describe and explain the uses of articles.
To use rules of placing definite and indefinite articles.
To draw links between definite and indefinite articles.
To justify the right use of articles as determiners.
To produce sentences placing articles before a noun.
After attempting these activities, your students will be able to:
Classify articles as definite (the) and indefinite (‘a’ and ‘an’).
Identify the use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article before a given noun.
Place ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article correctly before a given noun.
Use ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ to determine a given noun.
Identify the errors to ensure the correct use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero articles as determiners.
Create new sentences using ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article that determine nouns.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 8 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 24 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 24 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 27 Slides
Google Slides: 27 Slides
Boom Cards: 58 Digital Task Cards
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Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Adjectives – Degrees of Comparison. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT and Worksheets with Answers.
Objectives of this lesson are:
To recognise and recall adjectives: degrees of comparison.
To describe and explain adjectives: degrees of comparison.
To use rules of using adjectives: degrees of comparison.
To draw links between degrees of adjectives for comparison.
To justify the right use of adjectives: degrees of comparison.
To produce descriptions using adjectives: degrees of comparison.
After attempting these New Bloom’s Taxonomy-based activities students will be able to:
Identify the positive, comparative and superlative degree of adjectives.
Identify the degree of comparison of the given adjectives in the given sentence.
Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives to modify nouns.
Change the degree of comparison of an adjective without changing the meaning of the sentence.
Identify the errors to ensure the right use of adjectives based on their degrees of comparison.
Choose between comparative and superlative adjectives depending on what is to be modified.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 11 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 24 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 27 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 28 Slides
Google Slides: 28 Slides
Boom Cards: 85 Digital Task Cards
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Note: These are also sold separately!
A unit bundle of 6 products on teaching and learning resources of adjective types based on New Bloom’s Taxonomy.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Identify the words or phrases from the given examples that show the characteristics of adjectives.
Recognise the words or phrases from the examples that demonstrate the functions of adjectives.
Describe the given nouns in the pictures using the given adjectives.
Identify the modifier and the thing it modifies in the given sentences.
Place adjectives within a sentence, recognising and correcting misplaced and dangling modifiers.
Use adjective types to describe nouns and add variety and interest to writing.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 6 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 18 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan with Resources: 6 Sessions
PowerPoint Presentation: 40 Slides
Google Slides: 40 Slides
Boom Cards: 97 Digital Task Cards
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
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These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Imperative or Bossy Verbs. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
To recall the meaning of terms associated with imperative verbs.
To describe and explain the forms and uses of imperative verbs.
To use the forms and uses of imperative verbs.
To draw links between verbs in general and imperative verbs.
To justify the right use of imperative verbs.
To produce sentences using imperative verbs.
After attempting these activities, your students will be able to:
Distinguish between verbs in general and imperative verbs.
Classify imperatives as affirmative and negative.
Form and use verbs in the imperative both affirmatively and negatively.
Use a wide range of imperative verbs to clarify relationships between ideas.
Identify the errors to ensure the correct use of imperative verbs.
Use imperative verbs to sequence instructions.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 10 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 23 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 22 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 26 Slides
Google Slides: 26 Slides
Boom Cards: 65 Digital Task Cards
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A bundle of 6 products on teaching and learning resources of homophones, homographs and homonyms based on New Bloom’s Taxonomy.
After completing this lesson students will be able to:
Compare and contrast homophones, homonyms and homographs.
Recall the meaning of homophones, homonyms and homographs.
Identify the given set of words as homophones, homographs and homonyms.
Analyse the given sentences for the accurate use of homophones, homographs and homonyms.
Evaluate the given sentences and identify the errors in the use of homophones.
Frame sentences with homophones, homographs and homonyms to go with the given meanings.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 6 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 19 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan with Resources: 20 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 23 Slides
Google Slides: 23 Slides
Boom Cards: 51 Digital Task Cards
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
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These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Non-Finite Verbal Phrases – Gerund Phrase, Participial Phrase and Infinitive Phrase. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Define gerund, participle, infinitive and dependents – complements, modifiers.
Identify the difference between finite verbal phrases and non-finite verbal phrases.
Determine the purpose for which gerund phrases, participial phrases and infinitive phrases are used.
Identify the patterns of gerund phrases, participial phrases and infinitive phrases.
Exercise error identification to ensure that the modifiers in verbal phrases are placed correctly and are not dangling.
Use verbal phrases to vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader interest and style.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 92 Digital Task Cards
Scaffolding Notes: 8 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 24 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 28 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 28 Slides
Google Slides: 28 Slides
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Phrases – Adjective or Adjectival Phrases. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Define phrases and their components.
Define adjective phrases and their components.
Identify the adjective phrases as used in the sentences.
Create new adjective phrase patterns in sentences.
Exercise error identification to ensure that the adjective phrases are not misplaced and dangling.
Use adjective phrases to vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader interest and style.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 63 Digital Task Cards
Scaffolding Notes: 8 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 17 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 21 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 22 Slides
Google Slides: 22 Slides
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Phrases - Noun or Nominal Phrase. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Define phrases and their components.
Define noun phrases and their components.
Determine the purpose for which noun phrases are used in sentences.
Identify the patterns of noun phrases in sentences.
Exercise error identification to ensure that the modifiers in noun phrases are placed correctly and they are not dangling.
Use noun phrases to vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader interest and style.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 72 Digital Task Cards
Scaffolding Notes: 7 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 20 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 24 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 24 Slides
Google Slides: 24 Slides
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Phrases – Prepositional Phrases. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Define prepositional phrases and their components.
Classify prepositional phrases as nominal, adjectival and adverbial.
Identify the prepositional phrases that are used to show location, direction, time and manner.
Identify prepositional phrases that begin with a preposition and end with a noun, pronoun, gerund, phrase or clause.
Exercise error identification to ensure prepositional phrases are not misplaced and dangling.
Use prepositional phrases to describe nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 70 Digital Task Cards
Scaffolding Notes: 8 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 24 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 27 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 27 Slides
Google Slides: 27 Slides
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Phrases – Adverb or Adverbial Phrases. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT, Unit Plan, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Define phrases and their components.
Define adverb phrases and their components.
Identify the adverb phrases as used in the sentences.
Identify the functions of adverb phrases as used in the sentences.
Exercise error identification to ensure that the adverb phrases are not misplaced and dangling.
Use adverb phrases to vary sentence patterns for meaning, reader interest and style.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 66 Digital Task Cards
Scaffolding Notes: 7 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 22 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan: 24 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 25 Slides
Google Slides: 25 Slides
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching Standard English Conventions – Misplaced Modifiers and Dangling Modifiers. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Boom Cards, Google Slides, PPT and Worksheets with Answers.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Review the common mistakes writers make by improperly placing modifiers in sentences.
Review the ambiguity not clearly stated subject of the modifier creates in a sentence.
Compare and contrast improperly placed modifier and not clearly stated subject of the modifier.
Identify the errors to ensure that all modifiers are placed as close as possible to the things that they are meant to modify.
Identify the errors to ensure that the subject of the modifier is clearly stated in the sentence.
Create new sentences ensuring modifiers are placed properly and subject of the modifiers are stated clearly.
This download includes:
Worksheets with Answers: 8 Exercises
PowerPoint Presentation: 17 Slides
Google Slides: 17 Slides
Boom Cards: 56 Digital Task Cards
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
A bundle of 6 products on teaching and learning resources of phrase types based on New Bloom’s Taxonomy.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
Recall the meaning of key words associated with phrases.
Define phrases based on their placement and function in sentences.
Identify the pattern of the varied phrases and label their parts.
Analyse and discover the placement of phrases in sentences.
Evaluate the accurate use of phrases.
Create new sentence patterns with phrases.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 6 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 18 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan with Resources: 22 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 22 Slides
Google Slides: 22 Slides
Boom Cards: 47 Digital Task Cards
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
Save 50% on this BUNDLE!
Note: These are also sold separately!
These Boom Cards are perfect for teaching Definite and Indefinite Articles – ‘A’, ‘An’ and ‘The’. These no prep activities would be great for ELA lessons. Your students will love these self-grading exercises that are gamified for student engagement.
After attempting these New Bloom’s Taxonomy-based Boom Cards students will be able to:
Classify articles as definite (the) and indefinite (‘a’ and ‘an’).
Identify the use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article before a given noun.
Place ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article correctly before a given noun.
Use ‘a’, ‘an’ and ‘the’ to determine a given noun.
Identify the errors to ensure the correct use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero articles as determiners.
Create new sentences using ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ and zero article that determine nouns.
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
More about Boom Learning:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet.
Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge).
Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires.
For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards.
You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards).
Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks.
For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account.
If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.
These Boom Cards are perfect for teaching Reading Comprehension – Narrative Fiction Short Story. These no prep activities would be great for ELA lessons. Your students will love these self-grading exercises that are gamified for student engagement.
After attempting these Boom Cards, your students will be able to:
Give or explain the meaning of words in context.
Identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words and phrases.
Identify key details from fiction.
Retrieve and record information from fiction.
Summarise main ideas from the text.
Make inferences from the text.
Make comparisons within the text.
Predict what might happen from details stated and implied.
Identify/explain how information or narrative content is related and contributes to meaning as a whole.
Explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text.
More about Boom Learning:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet.
Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge).
Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires.
For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards.
You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards).
Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks.
For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account.
If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.
These Boom Cards are perfect for teaching how to write an information text. These no prep activities would be great for ELA lessons. Your students will love these self-grading exercises that are gamified for student engagement.
After attempting these Boom Cards, your students will be able to:
Identify the structure and features of information text types.
Identify the techniques used by the author in structuring information text types.
Identify the purpose of the information text types.
Plan and write the first draft of information text.
Peer evaluate information text with constructive feedback.
Integrate the peer feedback and write a final draft of their information text.
More about Boom Learning:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet.
Boom Cards play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge).
Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires.
For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards.
You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” (play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards).
Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks.
For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account.
If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.
These bundled resources are perfect for teaching how to write an information text. These no prep activities would be great for English lessons or English centers. Your students will love these ELA Google Slides, PPT, Worksheets and Scaffolding Notes.
After attempting these activities, your students will be able to:
Identify the structure and features of information text types.
Identify the techniques used by the author in structuring information text types.
Identify the purpose of the information text types.
Plan and write the first draft of information text.
Peer evaluate information text with constructive feedback.
Integrate the peer feedback and write a final draft of their information text.
This download includes:
Boom Cards: 27 Digital Task Cards
Worksheets with Answers: 17 Exercises
PowerPoint Presentation: 20 Slides
Google Slides: 20 Slides
Unit Lesson Plan: 21 Pages
Scaffolding Notes: 12 Handouts
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Note: These are also sold separately!
A unit bundle of 5 products on reading poetry with 6 sessions on teaching and learning based on New Bloom’s Taxonomy.
After completing this unit students will be able to:
SESSION 1 - REMEMBERING: Vocabulary - Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text.
SESSION 2 - UNDERSTANDING: Summary - Determine the theme or central idea of the text and analyse its development.
SESSION 3 - APPLYING: Textual Clues - Identify what the text says both explicitly and implicitly with inferences drawn from it.
SESSION 4 - ANALYSING: Poem Analysis - Analyse the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone.
SESSION 5 - EVALUATING: Figurative Language - Determine the figurative and connotative meanings of the words and phrases in the text.
SESSION 6 - CREATING: Writing - Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says.
This download includes:
Worksheets with Answers: 23 Exercises
Lesson Plan with Resources: 6 Sessions
PowerPoint Presentation: 47 Slides
Google Slides: 47 Slides
Boom Cards: 84 Digital Task Cards
Here are some possible uses for these in your classroom:
To challenge early finishers
For effective tutoring
As ESL stations and sub tubs
As holiday work and homework
For small group collaborations
For an end of unit assessments
For reinforcement and enrichment
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Note: These are also sold separately!
“Mastering Argumentative Writing” is an engaging and comprehensive resource designed to teach students the art of constructing persuasive arguments. Aligned with Bloom’s Taxonomy, the resource focuses on developing students’ skills across various levels of cognitive understanding, from remembering key components to creating well-structured and compelling essays. The learning objectives and student outcomes cover a range of cognitive levels, progressing from basic recall and understanding to higher-order skills like analysis, evaluation, and creation, in alignment with Bloom’s Taxonomy. This resource includes writing tasks that are differentiated based on the performance of learners in CAT4, GL, and NGRT assessments and tailored to address learner-specific needs and abilities. These tasks help educators provide targeted support and challenges to meet the diverse needs of learners and promote their growth in writing proficiency.
This download includes:
Scaffolding Notes: 15 Handouts
Worksheets with Answers: 23 Exercises
Unit Lesson Plan with Resources: 32 Pages
PowerPoint Presentation: 33 Slides
Google Slides: 33 Slides
Boom Cards: 54 Cards
Video: 6 Minutes
More Reading and Writing Resources by the same Author:
News Paper Report
Information Text
Diary Writing
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